Jourdain S., Forest J., Mouton C., Chabridon S., Mallet L. et al., ShareX3D, a scientific collaborative 3D viewer over HTTP, Proceedings of the Web3D Symposium, Los Angeles, USA, 2008.
Jourdain S., Forest J., Roussel J.-F., Hilgers A., Molli P., Zeghir F., The New SPINE Community’s Virtual Lab, Proceedings of 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2005.
Jourdain S., Bagnier S., Forest J., Schmutz A., Mallet L., Nouhailhas B., Mouton C., Gomez C., Ledru S. et al., SCOS Project: Inter-Operability For Scientific Software And Perspectives In Space Environment, Proceedings of 10th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, CNES publication, Biarritz, France, 2007.
Forest J., Hilgers A., Thiébault B., Eliasson L., Berthelier J.-J. and de Feraudy H., An Open Source Spacecraft Plasma Interactions Simulation Code, PicUp3D: Tests and Validations, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 34 No5, Oct. 2006.
Hilgers A., Thiebault B., Estublier D., Gengembre E., Gonzalez J., Tajmar M., Roussel J.-F. and Forest J., A simple model of SMART-1 electrostatic potential variation, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 34 No5, Oct. 2006.
Engwall E., Eriksson A. I. and Forest J., Wake formation behind positively charged spacecraft in flowing tenuous plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 13, 062904, 2006.
Hilgers A., Thiébault B., Roussel J.-F., Forest J. and Engwall E., Tests and Validation of a New Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software, SPIS, Proceedings of 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, JAXA-SP-05-001E, April 2005.
Roussel J.-F, Rogier F., Volpert D., Rousseau G., Forest J. and Hilgers A., Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software (SPIS): numerical solvers – methods and architecture, Proceedings of 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, JAXA-SP-05-001E, April 2005.
Thiébault B., Hilgers A., Sasot E., Génot V., Escoubet P., Laakso H. and Forest J., Potential Barrier in the Electrostatic Sheath Around Geotail, Cluster and BepiColombo spacecraft, Proceedings of 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, JAXA-SP-05-001E, April 2005.
Thiébault B., Hilgers A., Sasot E., Laakso H., Escoubet P., Génot V. and Forest J., Potential barrier in the electrostatic sheath around a magnetospheric spacecraft, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. A12, 2004.
Charoy F., Godart C., Grégori N., Hautecouverture J.-C. and Jourdain S., Coopera: An Environment for Teaching and Learning Internet Cooperation, IADIS International Conference e-Society proceedings, Spain, p.323-330, 2004.
Thiébault B., Hilgers A., Forest J., Escoubet P., Fehringer M. and Laakso H., Modelling of the photo-electron sheath around an active magnetospheric spacecraft, Proceedings of the 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Huntsville, AL, USA, October 20-24, 2003, NASA/CP-2004-213091.
Forest J. and Hilgers A., Feedback on the PicUp3D experience and the open source strategy applied to spacecraft plasma interaction simulation code, Proceedings of the 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Huntsville, AL, USA, October 20-24, 2003, NASA/CP-2004-213091.
Forest J., Hilgers A., Thiébault B., Popescu A. and Fehringer M., Modelling of the plasma environment of a FEEP micro-thruster with PicUp3D simulation code: sample results, Proceedings of the 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Huntsville, AL, USA, October 20-24, 2003.
Molli P., Skaf-Molli H., Oster G. and Jourdain S., SAMS: Synchronous, Asynchronous, Multi-Synchronous Environments, Seventh Intl. Conf. on CSCW in Design, Rio de Janeiro, 2002.