
Class Summary
CharacteristicEditorView GUI for the Characteristic Editor.
CharacteristicPopUpMenu Pop-Up menu for the Characteristics in the selection tree.
CharacteristicSelectionDialog Dialog box for the selection/settings of new Characteristics.
CharacteristicTreeNode<T> JTree node for Characteristics.
GroupEditorView View of the group editor.
GroupPopUpMenu Define the pop-up menu for Groups in the selection tree.
GroupsTreeEditorView Define the GUI (i.e view) of the global Group Tree Editor.
GroupTreeNode Mutable tree node for groups.
ImprovedSelectionTree General selection/edition tree of the Properties/Characteristics List editor.
OldPropertiesListEditor Simple basic viewer/editor for the Frida's Properties and Characteristics.
PropertyEditorView GUI view for the Property Editor.
PropertyPopUpMenu Popup menu for the Properties in the main selection tree.
PropertyTreeNode JTree node for Properties.
RootNodePopUpMenu Popup menu for the root node of the selection tree.
SelectionPropertyFromCatalogDialogBox Provide a graphical selection component for properties loaded from a set of Properties Catalog.
SelectionTree General selection/edition tree of the Properties/Characteristics List editor.
SerieGraphicViewer This class allows to display a given SeriesOfDoubleCharacteristic as a 2D y=f(x) type plot using the JFreeChart library.
SeriesTableEditor Table based editor for SeriesOfDoubleCharacteristic.
UnitEditionDialog DialogPane to edit the Unit.

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