Package org.keridwen.modelling.monitoring.viewer

Interface Summary
VisualizerMonitoringNode This interface defines a visualizer of a MonitoringNode.

Class Summary
CassandraPluginActionListener This class is used to plot the evolution of mesh element id picked in the 3D view versus the time.
ComboBoxCellRenderer This class is used to define the renderer of JComboBox which stores DataField.
ComboBoxViewer This class is a representation of a MonitoringModel.
CurveVisualizer This class implements VisualizerMonitoringNode and is a visualizer of DataField into curve view.
LiveMonitoringTreeTableViewer This class is the user interface of the table which show the list of which are plotted or not when the simulation is monitoring in live to know informations about convergence criteria.
Map2DVisualizer This class implements VisualizerMonitoringNode and is a visualizer of DataField into 2D map view.
PlotTableViewer This class is the user interface of the table which shows the list of DataField which can be plotted or not.

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