Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericAnalysis

Uses of GenericAnalysis in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.analysers

Fields in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.analysers declared as GenericAnalysis
protected  GenericAnalysis MeshAnalyser.analysis

Methods in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.analysers that return GenericAnalysis
 GenericAnalysis MeshAnalyser.analyseMesh()
          perform the analysis of the mesh and return the result under the form of an analysis object.
 GenericAnalysis CellVolumeAnalyser.analyseMesh()
          perform the analysis of the mesh and return the result under the form of an analysis object.
 GenericAnalysis BorderCellLocator.analyseMesh()
          analyse the mesh and return an array of mesh elements.
 GenericAnalysis MeshAnalyser.getAnalysis()
 GenericAnalysis RhoQualityAnalyser.probeCell(int meshId)
          analysis,and return an analysis on the cell of id meshId
 GenericAnalysis EtaQualityAnalyser.probeCell(int meshId)
 GenericAnalysis CellVolumeAnalyser.probeCell(int meshId)
 GenericAnalysis BorderCellLocator.probeCell(int meshId)

Methods in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.analysers with parameters of type GenericAnalysis
 void MeshAnalyser.setAnalysis(GenericAnalysis analysis)
          Set the output analysis object in which one the results should be stored.

Uses of GenericAnalysis in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.core

Methods in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.core that return GenericAnalysis
 GenericAnalysis Controller.analyseMesh()
          Perform the analysis and return it.
 GenericAnalysis Controller.getAnalysis()
          return the analysis of the current analyser

Uses of GenericAnalysis in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.interfaces

Methods in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.interfaces that return GenericAnalysis
 GenericAnalysis MeshAnalyserInterface.analyseMesh()
          Perform the analysis of the mesh.
 GenericAnalysis MeshAnalyserInterface.getAnalysis()
          Return the current result of the analysis.
 GenericAnalysis MeshAnalyserInterface.probeCell(int meshId)
          Probe (i.e analyse) a cell specified by its Id.

Methods in org.keridwen.modelling.mesh.inspector.interfaces with parameters of type GenericAnalysis
 void MeshAnalyserInterface.setAnalysis(GenericAnalysis analysis)
          If the default analysis (i.e generated by default by the constructor) is not used, set the analysis to be filled by the analyser.

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