Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Keridwen Super POM-
Multipart HTTP post ant pluginMultipart HTTP post ant plugin
Keridwen Messaging SystemKeridwen messaging system
Data Storage Service-
Keridwen Data ModelData Model generation
Keridwen internationalization moduleProvides the API to deal with multiple languages in Keridwen user interface
Keridwen Logging SystemKeridwen Logging System
Keridwen settings moduleManages settings of a Keridwen-based application
Keridwen state machine moduleModule managing the states of the application
Keridwen graphical user interfacePluggable graphical user interface using docking components
VTK service APIProvides the interface to be implemented by platform-specific VTK modules
Linux 32 bits VTK bundleThis is the Linux 32 bits version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
Linux 64 bits VTK bundleThis is the Linux 64 bits version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
Linux 64 bits VTK bundle for GLibc 2.5 and aboveThis is the Linux 64 bits version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
Mac OS X VTK BundleThis is the Mac OS X version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
Windows 32 bits VTK BundleThis is the Windows 32 bits version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
Windows 7 32 bits VTK BundleThis is the Windows 7 32 bits version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
Windows 64 bits VTK BundleThis is the Windows 64 bits version of the VTK OSGi bundle.
VTK stub bundleThis is a dummy VTK OSGi bundle
Gmsh service APIProvides the interface to be implemented by platform-specific Gmsh modules
Linux 64 bits Gmsh bundleThis is the Linux 64 bits version of the Gmsh OSGi bundle.
Linux 32 bits Gmsh bundleThis is the linux 32 bits version of the Gmsh OSGI bundle.
XStream OSGi moduleXStream OSGi bundle
SCXML OSGi wrappingSCXML OSGi wrapping
Keridwen Hello World sampleA Keridwen module showing how to use Keridwen core functionalities
Hello World CallerThis bundle calls Hello World bundle commands from outsite using Keridwen messaging system
VTK Sample bundleBundle testing Keridwen VTK capabilities
Sample i18n moduleSample bundle testing Keridwen i18n capabilities
Template Keridwen projectTemplate Keridwen project description